Home Watch Services
When you need someone to check in on your vacant property, consider enrolling in our Home Watch program.
Verify the security of doors and windows on the property.
Check for any water leaks or damage and inspect for any visible signs of mold and mildew.
Conduct a visual inspection for any insects or rodents on the property.
Ensure that the air conditioner settings are correct and manage the thermostat accordingly.
Run the faucets, sink disposals, and flush the toilets to ensure they are functioning properly.
Check that the main water valve is turned off after each inspection unless requested otherwise by the client.
Check the electric panel for any tripped breakers that may need attention.
Ensure that the electric water heater is off to avoid any safety hazards.
Conduct a visual inspection of the entire property.
Check the perimeter of the property for any signs of damage or intrusion.
Inspect the condition of the pool, if applicable.
Look for any signs of vandalism that may have occurred.
Check for any water leaks or damage and inspect for any visible signs of mold and mildew.
Any concerns or issues will be shared immediately with the client to ensure transparency and clear communication throughout the inspection process.